The small community initiatives are based on the ideas generated by the scholars who participate in the program, with the support of their mentors. They are designed to contribute to the solving of specific problems of the communities identified by the participants – scholars and mentors.
In order to kickstart the initial design and organization of such an initiative, the scholars and mentors are invited to prepare a plan in the form of a simplified project proposal. A template of the proposal can be downloaded here (in Bulgarian).
Something is happening in Byala Slatina. A whole generation of health workers with care for the people is growing in the Roma community
September, 2023
An initiative at the end of this summer reminded both residents of the Roma neighborhood in Byala Slatina and people outside that a large-scale process of renewal and education is underway there, and as a result, within a few years, people will know at least twenty health professionals – young people born and raised in the same neighborhood.
Future doctors, nurses, midwives, laboratory assistants, most of them supported by the Scholarship and mentoring program for students of Roma origin studying health specialties under the Active Citizens Bulgaria Fund, organized another large-scale campaign to measure blood pressure and blood sugar among the local community. Building on their previous experience with campaigns supported by the Bulgarian Family Planning Association, on this occasion a dozen medical students examined and consulted over 150 people within 3 hours. The well-organized crew also planned visits to the homes of elderly and disabled people who were unable to visit them on-site.
Other student volunteers in medical specialties joined the initiative, as well as participants in TSA’s Scholarship Program for Roma women-nurses and midwives. Once again, the young people relied on the support of the local organization – mother center “Alternative".
In addition to the huge trust in the youth of the community, the campaign also showed the chronically ignored health prevention and screening, but also the existence of a real community of already graduated and future health professionals who know the people and their problems, have the energy and desire to work as a team to improve the health habits of the locals. Quite a few people overcame their fear of the blood sugar testing process with the encouragement and the reassuring words of the young people they know. Quite a few people expressed gratitude and appreciation for what was happening in a spontaneous and emotional way. People were invited to sit down and have their blood pressure and blood sugar measured with the words “Come on, show recognition for our kids, they’re here for you!".
Thanks to the trust vested in them via the TSA scholarship programs and by the activists in Byala Slatina, these students are taking the first step towards the transformation of their community by being ambassadors for the cause of non-discrimination and visibility of all successful and ambitious Roma.
Zlati, Beti, Emmanuela, Lucy, Emilia, Hrisi, Reni, Rumi and Radi are becoming examples of the rule, not the exception, for their community. With the conviction that the generations after them will be even more determined on the path to education and successful professional realization, these boys and girls, including more than 10 other students from Byala Slatina that we support, show that the change towards active participation in the public life of their town and country is a fact. Setting aside their free time to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired, they have the confidence to invite Bulgarian society to walk alongside them and their community.
Volunteer Summer 2023: Roma students bring medical science to residents of Roma neighborhoods
July, 2023
In the summer of 2023, the small projects of the students of the “Scholarship program for students of Roma origin studying health specialties" started earlier than usual, at the beginning of the month of June. The season of active volunteer activities was opened in three locations – Parvomai, Sliven and Saedinenie.
In Parvomay, our scholarship recipient Krasimira Krasimirova (6th year, Medicine at MU-Plovdiv) and her mentor, Prof. Ani Kevorkian, were welcomed at Krasimira’s former high school. A few days later in Sliven, Bozhidara Ivanova (2nd year, Nurse at MU-Varna, Sliven branch) and her mentor, Prof. Elena Zheleva, visited the local high school for textiles and clothing.

Both visits were related to the desire of the students to talk with the young people about various aspects of the prevention, protection and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Motivated by their own observations and impressions accumulated during their work experience in medical institutions, Krasimira and Bozhidara share a conscious responsibility for disease prevention through education and building a good health culture among teenagers.

These events were followed by the meeting of students Sara Angelova (3rd year, Assistant-Pharmacist, Medical College-Plovdiv), Kuncho Bogdanov (5th Year, Pharmacy at MU-Plovdiv) and their mentor, Master Pharmacist Bozhidarka Hadjieva with parents and children from the Roma community in the town of Saedinenie. The occasion was the survey that Sara and Kuncho conducted among representatives of their communities in relation to nutrition and the intake of probiotics with a focus on children’s health and eating habits. Under the guidance of their mentor over the last year, the students collected and processed the data that Sara later presented, along with guidelines and advice for building healthy habits among children. In addition to their use for the purposes of the information event, the data also serves as the basis of a scientific publication that is in the process of preparation.
The interest from the community was extraordinary, especially from the youngest, who knew Sara and were excited about her path through university. A number of mothers shared their dreams and hopes for their children’s future as university students.
Volunteering is the main reason behind the meetings of young people like Krasimira, Bozhidara, Sara and Kuncho with Roma children, young people and parents from different communities who are determined to pursue high educational achievements with the guidance and courage given by students on the path to graduation.
Formal or informal, volunteerism and role models have a transformative power for communities where the next generations dream and achieve even bolder goals than those before them. The Youth 2022[1] study conducted among students from vulnerable communities shows that youth from these communities exhibit a high degree of civic engagement and willingness to participate in volunteer activities, in fact, at levels significantly higher than those among adult citizens and comparable to those in the most developed European countries.
The activity of the participants in the current program since its inception in 2018 shows a high energy and desire for activism and volunteering, especially by using the knowledge and skills gained at the university in the health care field. The key to turning this desire into actions with a larger effect and reaching one class, one school, one neighborhood, are both the support and guidance of mentors, as well as the mutual motivation and exchange of experience and information among students. We observe that students who receive recognition and the opportunity to share their experiences with others, show a sustained commitment and willingness to implement multiple initiatives over time. Students build leadership, communication and organizational skills, make contacts and gather impressions – skills and advantages that will make them better professionals and even brighter role models after university graduation.
[1] Conducted by Amalipe Center and Open Society Institute-Sofia
From the Faculty of Medicine to Fakulteta quarter in Sofia and the continuation of the efforts for health prevention of our scholars in Varna
October, 2022
In the month of October, scholarship holders within the Scholarship Program for Roma students in medical degrees held a number of long-prepared initiatives in different parts of the country.
Some of them were in the Faculteta district to talk to parents and children about dental health and cavity prevention for children. The young people took part in the traditional happening of the HESED Foundation, which brought together dozens of children and parents from the neighborhood. They colored thematic materials with the children, talked about the right way to brush your teeth, had the opportunity to give specific guidelines and advice for follow-up examinations and treatment to the mothers. The children enjoyed the toothbrushes and toothpastes that were distributed.
During the same week, Sofia Martinova, a student pursuing a degree as an Assistant Pharmacist Assistant, her mentor Ass. Prof. Klara Dokova, and Georgi Georgiev – a student studying Medicine were in Dalgopol near Varna. They organized an information event on the prophylaxis and prevention of diabetes. During the event, Sofia and Georgi provided the residents of Dalgopol with information on the causes, prevention and control of the disease, and those who wished had the opportunity to measure their blood sugar and receive specific guidelines according to their indicators. Sofia shared her impressions of the day:
“[People] were asking questions, mostly about the normal values, the complications of diabetes, and they were grateful for the information. In addition, the fact that Georgi and I are future health professionals was of interest to a young girl who shared that she also wanted to study at university, and her parents, standing by her side, encouraged her, setting an example that one day she would do what we do now. I’m glad that we organized the event and that it was useful for a lot of people!”
At the same time, the observations of the volunteers in the Fakulteta neighborhood in Sofia are that there are a large number of children who do not have access to a dentist for initial guidance and prevention from an early age. Access to dental specialists is very limited and the awareness of adults about the possibility of examinations and dental treatment for their children is minimal.
The meeting with the students in Dentistry and Medicine gave many mothers the opportunity to get a first opinion and advice on maitaining their children’s dental health. The children learned more about the foods that are good and bad for their teeth while coloring the thematic coloring pages prepared for them within the small project.
Alexey Mitkov is the initiator of the idea of a meeting with children and parents to share information about children’s dental health. A native of Lom, he is a student in Dental Medicine at Medical University-Sofia. “For the first time, I set foot in Faculteta, which resembled the rest of the Roma neighborhoods in terms of the structure – the visible division of wealthy and poor people was most obvious when you look at the houses. There are also visible signs of integration. There were older and inquisitive children at the event who asked additional questions about oral hygiene. They wanted to know," says Alexey.
The students got the chance to gain experience and understanding of the community’s problems and to meet the little ones, who showed great interest in the opportunity to have fun, learning more about the correct use of the toothbrush and toothpaste.
“The conclusion I can draw is that there are people there, and most importantly – children, who have realized the meaning and are ready for life in an integrated society," the student also says.
Alexey, Sofia and Georgi, together with other colleagues from the program, received an Ambassador prize in the Volunteers category at the Fifth Annual HEROES Awards given out by the Time Heroes platform in 2022. It was about their volunteer initiatives in 2021, and this year their work continued on other important health topics in different Roma communities.
Naturally, high hopes are placed upon the youth who meet with children and young people from these communities to inspire them to be responsible for their health and boldly pursue their dreams.
The importance of these efforts is also evidenced by many of the mentors working with students today. Some of them have been scholarship recipients of similar programs and are now passing on the experience and support they relied on years ago. Thus, the Roma community in Bulgaria seeks to create and support the people who build its future from within.
Campaign aimed at the prevention of hypertension conducted by our scholars in Dalgopol
September, 2021
The efforts of the scholars to raise the health awareness of their community members continues. In the sixth small project for this year, Sofia Martinova (“Assistant Pharmacist" at the Medical College of Medical university-Varna) and Georgi Georgiev (“Medicine" at MU-Varna) conducted a campaign for the prevention of hypertension in the town of Dalgopol. The campaign included measuring blood pressure and providing guidelines for maintaining normal values. The young people collaborated with the local representatives of the National Network of Health Mediators.
Similar to the previous small projects, the one in Dalgopol also became an occasion for young people to tell the locals about themselves and to remind them that there is a generation of young and competent medical specialists of Roma origin coming forward, engaged in the health of their communities.
Scholars in the Roma neighborhood in Rakitovo with a campaign for prevention of socially significant diseases entitled “Stop and check your blood pressure now!"
August, 2021
As part of yet another summer volunteer initiative, a team of three students studying medical degrees visited the town of Rakitovo to conduct an initiative aimed at the prevention of socially significant diseases among the residents of the Roma neighborhood in the town. Krastyo Minkov (“Medicine" at the Thracian University), Sonya Mineva (“Nursery" at the Thracian University) and Krassimira Krasimirova (“Medicine" at MU-Plovdiv), prepared and conducted their campaign with the support of Assoc. Prof. Boryana Parashkevova, mentor of some of the students. The field work on the campaign was organized in cooperation with the “Future” foundation.
In addition to the activities of measuring blood pressure and blood sugar levels, the young people provided information on the diagnosis, prevention and control of common diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. The advice was tailored to the individual situation and risk factors of each of those who stopped at the information point of the initiative.
The event was valuable for all participants, as it provided an opportunity for the young people to develop their professional and communication skills, to tell the locals about themselves and the program. For the locals, the meeting with the young people was an opportunity to get up-to-date guidance on specific health complaints and the possibilities for controlling the common risk factors, and to meet the medical professionals of the future who represent various Roma communities in the region.
Being a role model for the little ones
August, 2021
This summer, scholar Plamena Vasileva (studying a Medical Lab Technician degree at theMedical College – Thracian University) planned and commenced a series of summer classes with children of early school age in her native village of Skobelevo, Haskovo region.
Plamena was provoked by the observations of the huge gaps in the knowledge and motivation of the youngest students in her village during the past school year, passed under the sign of online training due to the coronavirus epidemic. She developed a schedule of classes and coordinated with the local community center the running of the classes with children between the age of 6 and 12 during the summer vacation. Plamena’s idea was, through stories about her own way to university, fun activities to increase children’s health literacy on topics such as “clean hands" and “clean teeth", to help fill the gaps in social contacts and the acquisition of basic reading and writing skills.
Plamena says that reading books, drawing pictures and learning to wash hands in the right way, in excitement about their new toothbrush and toothpaste kits, her first activity with the children lasted 3 hours, much longer than the original plan. “The children wanted to know when we would work together again and asked us to study English words together," Plamena added. The parents of many of the children work abroad, and the kids spend their time here under the care of their grandparents. This is one of the reasons for the children’s great interest and enthusiasm to work with young people, who encourage them to share and develop their stories and dreams.
As part of Plamena’s initiative, the children received writing and drawing materials, as well as a selection of books to use during their activities. The books purchased for the purposes of the initiative will remain available to the children in the village through the library of the “Iskritsa” community center. The most valuable thing, however, will be the time and memories of the fun summer spent together, which will motivate the children to dream and work to become like Plamena.
Scholars join forces to keep their communities healthy and informed on the brink of another COVID wave
August, 2021
The small projects of medical students this summer gained momentum with a number of initiatives to disseminate information and guidance on the still prevailing coronavirus and the methods to prevent infection, including information events on the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.
Maria Nemtsova (“Midwife" degree at Medical University – Varna, Sliven branch) conducted an initiative to inform people in several Roma communities in Sliven to discuss their knowledge and fears related to the virus and its effect on them. In addition to the symptoms, risks and ways to prevent infection, Maria’s personal history and path to university, her ambitions and dreams were of great interest among the people in the community.
In another corner of the country, Byala Slatina, Alisa Rumenova („Nursery” degree at Sofia University) ran an information-dissemination initiative focused on the vaccination campaign against Covid-19. After individual conversations with people in her neighborhood in Byala Slatina, Alisa shared about her efforts to provide key, practical information about the vaccine options, the possibilities for their administration in the town, as well as what can be expected after the vaccination.
The largest effort in connection to Covid-19 prevention was the information campaign in the center of Parvomay, designed by Alexei Mitkov (“Dental Medicine” at Medical University-Sofia), Krassimira Krasimirova (“Medicine" at MU-Plovdiv), Alexandra Boyanova ( “Nursery" at MU-Sofia) and Dimitrinka Dobrinova (“Medical Assistant" at Mu-Sofia, Vratsa branch), supported by Prof. Ani Kevorkian (mentor of Krassimira and lecturer at MU-Plovdiv) in their preparation. The students talked to the locals about the coronavirus, what we know and don’t know about it and the vaccines. The topic provoked different emotions and fears in people, but with patience and a smile they answered all the questions, shared personal experience from their work in hospitals and provided practical advice.
Medical scholars about COVID-19 – measures and protection
September, 2020
With the onset of autumn, the coronavirus is back on our agenda. Let’s replace panic with awareness and responsibility.
Scholars in our Scholarship Program for Roma students studying medical degrees, funded by the Active Citizens Fund, set aside some of their time between volunteering and the exam period this summer, and gathered useful verified information to help everyone. (Video in Bulgarian)
Watch teaser in English here:
The video and the teaser were prepared with videos recorded by the scholars, within the project “Mentorship support for Roma students studying medical degrees".
From the textbook to the field: students pursuing medical degrees apply their knowledge by volunteering for the benefit of their communities
September, 2020
While the Covid-19 crisis has caused concern across the country, scholars supported under the program for Roma students pursuing medical degrees have invested knowledge, ideas and effort to organize their own initiatives and contribute to raising awareness, as well as with informational and diagnostic activities in their communities. Some of the young people decided to prepare and distribute materials among their communities in Sofia, Plovdiv, Sliven in order to provide information and reassurance regarding the pandemic.
From the textbook to the field: students pursuing medical degrees apply their knowledge by volunteering for the benefit of their communities
September, 2020
While the Covid-19 crisis has caused concern across the country, scholars supported under the program for Roma students pursuing medical degrees have invested knowledge, ideas and effort to organize their own initiatives and contribute to raising awareness, as well as with informational and diagnostic activities in their communities. Some of the young people decided to prepare and distribute materials among their communities in Sofia, Plovdiv, Sliven in order to provide information and reassurance regarding the pandemic.
Such was the idea of Dimitrinka Dimitrova, studying for a “Medical Assistant" degree, who prepared and distributed information materials titled “Smile even under the mask" in the streets of Sofia, with advice on responsible and reasonable maintenance of both the physical and mental health in the times of a pandemic.
Others undertook and organized volunteer initiatives in their communities to talk about the risks and prevention of a number of socially significant health problems, although the agenda of most people being recently occupied by Covid-19.
At the end of August screening gynecological examinations for uninsured women of Roma origin were organised in Byala Slatina. During the examinations entitled “Prevention saves lives", initiated by the scholarship holder Adelina Radeva, a student pursuing a degree in midwifery, information was provided about the importance of regular prevention for the prevention of cervical cancer in women. Adelina is led by the belief that it is important to create momentum for better awareness of how to maintain women’s health, regardless of the social and health insurance status of women.
At the same time, Vesa Ivanova, a student in Rehabilitation, held an information meeting with mothers and children in her home village of Nevestino, Karnobat municipality, in order to tell them about and diagnose spinal deformities in childhood. Vesi explains the choice of topic with the growing problem of scoliosis, namely – spinal deformities in early childhood. She shares that it is important for her to acquaint parents with the problem and to remind them of the importance of maintaining good physical shape and building the right habits. Last but not least, the scholarship holder helped with diagnostics and advice in relation to specific young patients.
The majority of students – participants in the program in the 2019/2020 academic year have shown responsibility and initiative, devoting their time to organizing activities to disseminate useful health information and support to those in most need in the first months of the coronavirus pandemic. Others have begun work on larger projects to survey the opinions and access to useful information that their communities have by preparing and completing questionnaires, and their summarized results and conclusions are yet to be shared after the fieldwork is completed.
TSA scholar shares first-hand experience as a hospital volunteer during the pandemic: “My job will always require sacrifices. You could see the suffering in people’s eyes, the pleas for help in order to return home recovered."
August, 2020
Emanuil Atanasov is from the town of Sredets, Burgas region, a first-year student in the “Medical Assistant" degree program at the Thracian University – Stara Zagora. He is a scholarship holder in the program for Roma students enrolled in medical studies of the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria, managed by the Trust for Social Achievement. In parallel with the adaptation to online education in recent months, in the first year of his studies, Emanuil joined the ranks of his fellow medical professionals in order to be useful in times that are difficult for our healthcare system.
He says that his childhood dream was to become a pastor and with the encouragement that his teacher gave him, he was moving toward this almost until the end of his secondary education – “she used to tell me that I have a big soul, I am compassionate, I am ready to help anyone", Emanuil tells us. In March 2019, however, his grandmother passed away, and the day after her death, his grandfather was admitted to hospital for emergency surgery, having been diagnosed with cancer. “After that, my plans totally failed, I was devastated, because only then did I realize what it was like to fight for someone’s life, to give your best so that this person can be with their relatives again." After what happened, Emanuel firmly decided to dedicate himself to the cause of helping people not only spiritually but also physically.
We ask him about his first academic year:
The academic year ended successfully for me, although there were obstacles, I did not give up. My goal is to prove that I can, that this is my calling. I am grateful to many of my friends, relatives, and especially to professor Marinova (Emanuil’s mentor within the program for Mentorship Support for Roma students enrolled in medical studies within the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria) who encouraged me during the semesters. The most difficult part of the academic year was online learning. I had the feeling that this was a big gap in front of me, which I had to cross with a lot of effort. I am very happy with my achievements, because I have never had such progress and success! You need perseverance and persistance, because if one gives up, all efforts and dreams are in vain.
To our request to tell a little more about the time since the beginning of the pandemic, Emanuil responds:
In March, when we were at the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, vacancies for volunteer work related to the fight against the coronavirus had been announced at the University hospital “Virgin Mary”. I applied, in April I received a call that I was approved and I could go to the hospital to get acquainted with the situation and the rules. Initially, I was scared and hesitated whether I had made a bad choice so as not to infect my loved ones if I was infected… Concerns about my volunteer work during the pandemic were great, but my job will always require sacrifices. Whatever happens, I will be glad to have helped someone. The medical profession is not a job, but a calling!
In the eyes of the people entering the ward, there was suffering, pleas for help in order to return home recovered. Most of all, we were pleased to see the patients improve, to see their smiles and sparks of happiness. There I learned that there is nothing more valuable than HEALTH! When a person is healthy, he can do anything. My work in the ward continued until the end of May.
In June, I again applied to volunteer in another ward, Vascular Surgery and Orthopedics. The staff working in this department is unique. I adapted very quickly. It will be difficult for me when I part with them, because they have taught me many useful things that I will need in the future. They taught me how to make bandages, dosing antibiotics, giving all kinds of injections, etc.
… I want to help people, I want them to be alive and healthy, to keep them happy with us medics. To let them know that there are qualified doctors who can take care of them, can help those suffering and people in need, that they are ready to stay in Bulgaria!
Emanuil is also involved in activities in support of the Roma community in his hometown of Sredets. He and his fellow citizens from the local church community help people in need, mainly with food, medicine or transportation to a hospital. During the state of emergency, they helped large families every week by handing out food packages, and they also held an information campaign on how to prevent viruses and maintain personal hygiene, during which hygiene materials were distributed.
We did not skip the topic of stereotypes about the Roma, noting that the Roma community has been the subject of a lot of finger-pointing for most of the past months. Emanuil is convinced that the only way out and response of the Roma community should be education, adaptation to the 21st century, end to early marriages and overcoming the idea that Roma are second-hand people. He himself does not deny that he has always strived in order not to be compared to anyone, because everyone is human and equal, and his aspiration both in his studies and volunteering is to go beyond the usual framework known to society.
Emanuil gratefully admits that he relies on his scholarship to cover the cost of transportation to the hospital where he volunteers. He doesn’t spare his thanks to his family and to his relatives and friends who have supported him.
Emanuil’s mentor, prof. Dr. Juliana Marinova, Head of the Department of Social Medicine and Health Management at the Thracian University, shares her impressions of their joint work during the last semester:
In this complex situation, our acquaintance is still remote, but this did not prevent me from sensing the strong will and positive energy of a young person to achieve his goals, regardless of the difficulties and challenges, from our very first conversation. Emanuil successfully coped with the biggest challenge – the transition to distance learning through the electronic platform of the Thracian University. Indeed, Emanuil achieved very good, satisfactory results in his studies during the summer semester. Emanuil is highly motivated to achieve even better results during his training in the “Medical Assistant" program in order to achieve higher academic success and successful performance and passing of exams.
It is a pleasure for me to share my satisfaction with Emanuil’s commitment to an extremely humane cause in support of efforts to help those in need in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic. I am sure that the support he gets from the Scholarship Program is highly valued by him and further strengthens his motivation for realization in his chosen highly humane profession.
Emanuil’s advice to young Roma – those who have graduated or are still studying – is to follow their dreams and not give up, because in life there is time for everything – for family and education, but it is impossible to succeed without education. “SEARCH, DREAM AND DISCOVER !!!" Emanuil concludes his story.
Roma volunteer students campaign to prevent hypertension and diabetes
August, 2019
Roma volunteer students conducted an information campaign on the prevention of hypertension and diabetes during an event on 22 August in the Nadezhda neighbourhood in Sliven. It was the last of a series of volunteer initiatives for 2019 organised by students studying medical degrees under the Mentorship support for Roma students studying health specialties project.
The campaign aimed to inform the local community more about the importance of prevention of hypertension and diabetes. Socially significant illnesses are significantly more common in poor communities, with minimal health education and awareness, unhealthy eating and poor living conditions being the main factors behind this.
During the campaign, which included blood pressure measurement and blood sugar measurement, scholars were supported by the foundation “Health of the Roma” and its leader, Dr. Stefan Panayotov, the National Health Mediators Network, and Doctors Without Borders.
The project is being implemented within the framework of the Active citizens fund Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021. Three voluntary initiatives were held in Byala Slatina, Lom and Sliven. The first one was organized on the topic “Drugs – the health damage from their use and the consequences of addiction” and the second in Lom on “Healthy eating among adolescents and young people”.
Medical students spoke about the importance of healthy eating in Lom
August, 2019
During the second event initiated and organized by scholars in the “Scholarship support for Roma students studying healthcare specialties”, future health professionals met with the Roma community in Lom.
Topics such as maintaining optimal blood pressure and prevention of hypertension and hypotension, the most common diseases among children and young people, as well as tips for following the right diet among children, young people and people with problem blood pressure were discussed during the event. At the end of the event, the scholars measured the blood pressure of participants with suspected abnormalities and gave prevention tips.
Medical students spoke about the importance of healthy eating in Lom
Август, 2019г.
During the second event initiated and organized by scholars in the “Scholarship support for Roma students studying healthcare specialties”, future health professionals met with the Roma community in Lom.
Topics such as maintaining optimal blood pressure and prevention of hypertension and hypotension, the most common diseases among children and young people, as well as tips for following the right diet among children, young people and people with problem blood pressure were discussed during the event. At the end of the event, the scholars measured the blood pressure of participants with suspected abnormalities and gave prevention tips.
First event – meeting with young people in Byala Slatina
August, 2019
Three volunteer initiatives were organized by scholars in the “Scholarship support for Roma students studying health specialties” program in Sliven, Byala Slatina and Lom in August 2019. The initiatives were organised in the framework of the project “Mentorship support for Roma students studying healthcare specialties”.
The first one, a talk on “Drugs – the health damage from their use and the consequences of addiction” took place on 7 August 2019 at the Hristo Smirnenski school in Byala Slatina. More than 15 young people between the ages of 13-18 participated in the meeting, which was kindly supported by the PULS Foundation – Pernik and the management of the elementary school.
The project “Mentorship support for Roma students studying healthcare specialties” is implemented by the Trust for Social Achievement Foundation, within the framework of the Active citizens fund Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021.
The small community initiatives are based on the ideas generated by the scholars who participate in the program, with the support of their mentors. They are designed to contribute to the solving of specific problems of the communities identified by the participants – scholars and mentors.
In order to kickstart the initial design and organization of such an initiative, the scholars and mentors are invited to prepare a plan in the form of a simplified project proposal. A template of the proposal can be downloaded here (in Bulgarian).
Campaign aimed at the prevention of hypertension conducted by our scholars in Dalgopol
September, 2021
The efforts of the scholars to raise the health awareness of their community members continues. In the sixth small project for this year, Sofia Martinova (“Assistant Pharmacist" at the Medical College of Medical university-Varna) and Georgi Georgiev (“Medicine" at MU-Varna) conducted a campaign for the prevention of hypertension in the town of Dalgopol. The campaign included measuring blood pressure and providing guidelines for maintaining normal values. The young people collaborated with the local representatives of the National Network of Health Mediators.
Similar to the previous small projects, the one in Dalgopol also became an occasion for young people to tell the locals about themselves and to remind them that there is a generation of young and competent medical specialists of Roma origin coming forward, engaged in the health of their communities.
Scholars in the Roma neighborhood in Rakitovo with a campaign for prevention of socially significant diseases entitled “Stop and check your blood pressure now!"
August, 2021
As part of yet another summer volunteer initiative, a team of three students studying medical degrees visited the town of Rakitovo to conduct an initiative aimed at the prevention of socially significant diseases among the residents of the Roma neighborhood in the town. Krastyo Minkov (“Medicine" at the Thracian University), Sonya Mineva (“Nursery" at the Thracian University) and Krassimira Krasimirova (“Medicine" at MU-Plovdiv), prepared and conducted their campaign with the support of Assoc. Prof. Boryana Parashkevova, mentor of some of the students. The field work on the campaign was organized in cooperation with the “Future” foundation.
In addition to the activities of measuring blood pressure and blood sugar levels, the young people provided information on the diagnosis, prevention and control of common diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. The advice was tailored to the individual situation and risk factors of each of those who stopped at the information point of the initiative.
The event was valuable for all participants, as it provided an opportunity for the young people to develop their professional and communication skills, to tell the locals about themselves and the program. For the locals, the meeting with the young people was an opportunity to get up-to-date guidance on specific health complaints and the possibilities for controlling the common risk factors, and to meet the medical professionals of the future who represent various Roma communities in the region.
Being a role model for the little ones
August, 2021
This summer, scholar Plamena Vasileva (studying a Medical Lab Technician degree at theMedical College – Thracian University) planned and commenced a series of summer classes with children of early school age in her native village of Skobelevo, Haskovo region.
Plamena was provoked by the observations of the huge gaps in the knowledge and motivation of the youngest students in her village during the past school year, passed under the sign of online training due to the coronavirus epidemic. She developed a schedule of classes and coordinated with the local community center the running of the classes with children between the age of 6 and 12 during the summer vacation. Plamena’s idea was, through stories about her own way to university, fun activities to increase children’s health literacy on topics such as “clean hands" and “clean teeth", to help fill the gaps in social contacts and the acquisition of basic reading and writing skills.
Plamena says that reading books, drawing pictures and learning to wash hands in the right way, in excitement about their new toothbrush and toothpaste kits, her first activity with the children lasted 3 hours, much longer than the original plan. “The children wanted to know when we would work together again and asked us to study English words together," Plamena added. The parents of many of the children work abroad, and the kids spend their time here under the care of their grandparents. This is one of the reasons for the children’s great interest and enthusiasm to work with young people, who encourage them to share and develop their stories and dreams.
As part of Plamena’s initiative, the children received writing and drawing materials, as well as a selection of books to use during their activities. The books purchased for the purposes of the initiative will remain available to the children in the village through the library of the “Iskritsa” community center. The most valuable thing, however, will be the time and memories of the fun summer spent together, which will motivate the children to dream and work to become like Plamena.
Scholars join forces to keep their communities healthy and informed on the brink of another COVID wave
August, 2021
The small projects of medical students this summer gained momentum with a number of initiatives to disseminate information and guidance on the still prevailing coronavirus and the methods to prevent infection, including information events on the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.
Maria Nemtsova (“Midwife" degree at Medical University – Varna, Sliven branch) conducted an initiative to inform people in several Roma communities in Sliven to discuss their knowledge and fears related to the virus and its effect on them. In addition to the symptoms, risks and ways to prevent infection, Maria’s personal history and path to university, her ambitions and dreams were of great interest among the people in the community.
In another corner of the country, Byala Slatina, Alisa Rumenova („Nursery” degree at Sofia University) ran an information-dissemination initiative focused on the vaccination campaign against Covid-19. After individual conversations with people in her neighborhood in Byala Slatina, Alisa shared about her efforts to provide key, practical information about the vaccine options, the possibilities for their administration in the town, as well as what can be expected after the vaccination.
The largest effort in connection to Covid-19 prevention was the information campaign in the center of Parvomay, designed by Alexei Mitkov (“Dental Medicine” at Medical University-Sofia), Krassimira Krasimirova (“Medicine" at MU-Plovdiv), Alexandra Boyanova ( “Nursery" at MU-Sofia) and Dimitrinka Dobrinova (“Medical Assistant" at Mu-Sofia, Vratsa branch), supported by Prof. Ani Kevorkian (mentor of Krassimira and lecturer at MU-Plovdiv) in their preparation. The students talked to the locals about the coronavirus, what we know and don’t know about it and the vaccines. The topic provoked different emotions and fears in people, but with patience and a smile they answered all the questions, shared personal experience from their work in hospitals and provided practical advice.
Medical scholars about COVID-19 – measures and protection
September, 2020
With the onset of autumn, the coronavirus is back on our agenda. Let’s replace panic with awareness and responsibility.
Scholars in our Scholarship Program for Roma students studying medical degrees, funded by the Active Citizens Fund, set aside some of their time between volunteering and the exam period this summer, and gathered useful verified information to help everyone. (Video in Bulgarian)
Watch teaser in English here:
The video and the teaser were prepared with videos recorded by the scholars, within the project “Mentorship support for Roma students studying medical degrees".
From the textbook to the field: students pursuing medical degrees apply their knowledge by volunteering for the benefit of their communities
September, 2020
While the Covid-19 crisis has caused concern across the country, scholars supported under the program for Roma students pursuing medical degrees have invested knowledge, ideas and effort to organize their own initiatives and contribute to raising awareness, as well as with informational and diagnostic activities in their communities. Some of the young people decided to prepare and distribute materials among their communities in Sofia, Plovdiv, Sliven in order to provide information and reassurance regarding the pandemic.
Such was the idea of Dimitrinka Dimitrova, studying for a “Medical Assistant" degree, who prepared and distributed information materials titled “Smile even under the mask" in the streets of Sofia, with advice on responsible and reasonable maintenance of both the physical and mental health in the times of a pandemic.
Others undertook and organized volunteer initiatives in their communities to talk about the risks and prevention of a number of socially significant health problems, although the agenda of most people being recently occupied by Covid-19.
At the end of August screening gynecological examinations for uninsured women of Roma origin were organised in Byala Slatina. During the examinations entitled “Prevention saves lives", initiated by the scholarship holder Adelina Radeva, a student pursuing a degree in midwifery, information was provided about the importance of regular prevention for the prevention of cervical cancer in women. Adelina is led by the belief that it is important to create momentum for better awareness of how to maintain women’s health, regardless of the social and health insurance status of women.
At the same time, Vesa Ivanova, a student in Rehabilitation, held an information meeting with mothers and children in her home village of Nevestino, Karnobat municipality, in order to tell them about and diagnose spinal deformities in childhood. Vesi explains the choice of topic with the growing problem of scoliosis, namely – spinal deformities in early childhood. She shares that it is important for her to acquaint parents with the problem and to remind them of the importance of maintaining good physical shape and building the right habits. Last but not least, the scholarship holder helped with diagnostics and advice in relation to specific young patients.
The majority of students – participants in the program in the 2019/2020 academic year have shown responsibility and initiative, devoting their time to organizing activities to disseminate useful health information and support to those in most need in the first months of the coronavirus pandemic. Others have begun work on larger projects to survey the opinions and access to useful information that
their communities have by preparing and completing questionnaires, and their summarized results and conclusions are yet to be shared after the fieldwork is completed.
TSA scholar shares first-hand experience as a hospital volunteer during the pandemic: “My job will always require sacrifices. You could see the suffering in people’s eyes, the pleas for help in order to return home recovered."
August, 2020
Emanuil Atanasov is from the town of Sredets, Burgas region, a first-year student in the “Medical Assistant" degree program at the Thracian University – Stara Zagora. He is a scholarship holder in the program for Roma students enrolled in medical studies of the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria, managed by the Trust for Social Achievement. In parallel with the adaptation to online education in recent months, in the first year of his studies, Emanuil joined the ranks of his fellow medical professionals in order to be useful in times that are difficult for our healthcare system.
He says that his childhood dream was to become a pastor and with the encouragement that his teacher gave him, he was moving toward this almost until the end of his secondary education – “she used to tell me that I have a big soul, I am compassionate, I am ready to help anyone", Emanuil tells us. In March 2019, however, his grandmother passed away, and the day after her death, his grandfather was admitted to hospital for emergency surgery, having been diagnosed with cancer. “After that, my plans totally failed, I was devastated, because only then did I realize what it was like to fight for someone’s life, to give your best so that this person can be with their relatives again." After what happened, Emanuel firmly decided to dedicate himself to the cause of helping people not only spiritually but also physically.
We ask him about his first academic year:
The academic year ended successfully for me, although there were obstacles, I did not give up. My goal is to prove that I can, that this is my calling. I am grateful to many of my friends, relatives, and especially to professor Marinova (Emanuil’s mentor within the program for Mentorship Support for Roma students enrolled in medical studies within the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria) who encouraged me during the semesters. The most difficult part of the academic year was online learning. I had the feeling that this was a big gap in front of me, which I had to cross with a lot of effort. I am very happy with my achievements, because I have never had such progress and success! You need perseverance and persistance, because if one gives up, all efforts and dreams are in vain.
To our request to tell a little more about the time since the beginning of the pandemic, Emanuil responds:
In March, when we were at the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, vacancies for volunteer work related to the fight against the coronavirus had been announced at the University hospital “Virgin Mary”. I applied, in April I received a call that I was approved and I could go to the hospital to get acquainted with the situation and the rules. Initially, I was scared and hesitated whether I had made a bad choice so as not to infect my loved ones if I was infected… Concerns about my volunteer work during the pandemic were great, but my job will always require sacrifices. Whatever happens, I will be glad to have helped someone. The medical profession is not a job, but a calling!
In the eyes of the people entering the ward, there was suffering, pleas for help in order to return home recovered. Most of all, we were pleased to see the patients improve, to see their smiles and sparks of happiness. There I learned that there is nothing more valuable than HEALTH! When a person is healthy, he can do anything. My work in the ward continued until the end of May.
In June, I again applied to volunteer in another ward, Vascular Surgery and Orthopedics. The staff working in this department is unique. I adapted very quickly. It will be difficult for me when I part with them, because they have taught me many useful things that I will need in the future. They taught me how to make bandages, dosing antibiotics, giving all kinds of injections, etc.
… I want to help people, I want them to be alive and healthy, to keep them happy with us medics. To let them know that there are qualified doctors who can take care of them, can help those suffering and people in need, that they are ready to stay in Bulgaria!
Emanuil is also involved in activities in support of the Roma community in his hometown of Sredets. He and his fellow citizens from the local church community help people in need, mainly with food, medicine or transportation to a hospital. During the state of emergency, they helped large families every week by handing out food packages, and they also held an information campaign on how to prevent viruses and maintain personal hygiene, during which hygiene materials were distributed.
We did not skip the topic of stereotypes about the Roma, noting that the Roma community has been the subject of a lot of finger-pointing for most of the past months. Emanuil is convinced that the only way out and response of the Roma community should be education, adaptation to the 21st century, end to early marriages and overcoming the idea that Roma are second-hand people. He himself does not deny that he has always strived in order not to be compared to anyone, because everyone is human and equal, and his aspiration both in his studies and volunteering is to go beyond the usual framework known to society.
Emanuil gratefully admits that he relies on his scholarship to cover the cost of transportation to the hospital where he volunteers. He doesn’t spare his thanks to his family and to his relatives and friends who have supported him.
Emanuil’s mentor, prof. Dr. Juliana Marinova, Head of the Department of Social Medicine and Health Management at the Thracian University, shares her impressions of their joint work during the last semester:
In this complex situation, our acquaintance is still remote, but this did not prevent me from sensing the strong will and positive energy of a young person to achieve his goals, regardless of the difficulties and challenges, from our very first conversation. Emanuil successfully coped with the biggest challenge – the transition to distance learning through the electronic platform of the Thracian University. Indeed, Emanuil achieved very good, satisfactory results in his studies during the summer semester. Emanuil is highly motivated to achieve even better results during his training in the “Medical Assistant" program in order to achieve higher academic success and successful performance and passing of exams.
It is a pleasure for me to share my satisfaction with Emanuil’s commitment to an extremely humane cause in support of efforts to help those in need in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic. I am sure that the support he gets from the Scholarship Program is highly valued by him and further strengthens his motivation for realization in his chosen highly humane profession.
Emanuil’s advice to young Roma – those who have graduated or are still studying – is to follow their dreams and not give up, because in life there is time for everything – for family and education, but it is impossible to succeed without education. “SEARCH, DREAM AND DISCOVER !!!" Emanuil concludes his story.
Roma volunteer students campaign to prevent hypertension and diabetes
August, 2019
Roma volunteer students conducted an information campaign on the prevention of hypertension and diabetes during an event on 22 August in the Nadezhda neighbourhood in Sliven. It was the last of a series of volunteer initiatives for 2019 organised by students studying medical degrees under the Mentorship support for Roma students studying health specialties project.
The campaign aimed to inform the local community more about the importance of prevention of hypertension and diabetes. Socially significant illnesses are significantly more common in poor communities, with minimal health education and awareness, unhealthy eating and poor living conditions being the main factors behind this.
During the campaign, which included blood pressure measurement and blood sugar measurement, scholars were supported by the foundation “Health of the Roma” and its leader, Dr. Stefan Panayotov, the National Health Mediators Network, and Doctors Without Borders.
The project is being implemented within the framework of the Active citizens fund Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021. Three voluntary initiatives were held in Byala Slatina, Lom and Sliven. The first one was organized on the topic “Drugs – the health damage from their use and the consequences of addiction” and the second in Lom on “Healthy eating among adolescents and young people”.
Medical students spoke about the importance of healthy eating in Lom
August, 2019
During the second event initiated and organized by scholars in the “Scholarship support for Roma students studying healthcare specialties”, future health professionals met with the Roma community in Lom.
Topics such as maintaining optimal blood pressure and prevention of hypertension and hypotension, the most common diseases among children and young people, as well as tips for following the right diet among children, young people and people with problem blood pressure were discussed during the event. At the end of the event, the scholars measured the blood pressure of participants with suspected abnormalities and gave prevention tips.
First event – meeting with young people in Byala Slatina
August, 2019
Three volunteer initiatives were organized by scholars in the “Scholarship support for Roma students studying health specialties” program in Sliven, Byala Slatina and Lom in August 2019. The initiatives were organised in the framework of the project “Mentorship support for Roma students studying healthcare specialties”.
The first one, a talk on “Drugs – the health damage from their use and the consequences of addiction” took place on 7 August 2019 at the Hristo Smirnenski school in Byala Slatina. More than 15 young people between the ages of 13-18 participated in the meeting, which was kindly supported by the PULS Foundation – Pernik and the management of the elementary school.
The project “Mentorship support for Roma students studying healthcare specialties” is implemented by the Trust for Social Achievement Foundation, within the framework of the Active citizens fund Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021.
Students will volunteer in Roma neighborhoods
July, 2019
Roma students studying medicine and other healthcare specialties from different locations in the country will volunteer as part of the project “Mentorship support for Roma students studying healthcare specialties”. The project is managed by the Trust for Social Achievement Foundation and the idea is for participants to develop and implement an initiative or campaign to raise awareness about socially significant diseases among people living in Roma communities.
Today, part of the students participated in a meeting on the second component of the program, which specifically concerns the development of health-oriented initiatives in Roma communities. Students were also able to get to know each other through various game models and met with TSA Executive Director Sarah Perrine.
The first component of the program is the awarding of scholarships to Roma students studying healthcare specialties within one academic year. The whole program period is for 6 years.
The aim of the project is to develop role models in order to raise awareness of the health problems in the Roma community.